Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Teacher

Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well” ― Aristotle

Today as we celebrate Teacher’s Day, it is time to look back and remember our teachers who have contributed so much to our lives. You find all kinds of teachers; some good and some great. The Good Teachers are those who are masters at their subject; they will teach you the right tricks and techniques to grasp a topic and help you excel in your chosen field. But a Great Teacher is much more – she not only teaches you how to be a good student in your subject; she also teaches you how to be a good human being. She will push you forward when you think you are lost, she will teach you to be independent and level headed, she will also teach you to be confident yet humble and kind. 

It’s said ‘It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge’; truer words could not have been spoken. When you remember your teachers today, some will make you think ‘She was great at the subject and had so much knowledge’. And then there are others who would make you think ‘She was a wonderful guide and friend. She made me what I am today’.

If along your school you have learnt:
  • Everybody is born equal. It is only their thoughts which differentiate them, only their thoughts that decide whether they are ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’, or what kind of person they are going to be. And these thoughts can be moulded, changed and reframed – that is why ‘learning’ never truly ends. To differentiate between people and hold biases based on caste, creed, monetary status and sex is not only wrong, it is being a lesser person.

  • It is not selfish to believe in yourself and have faith in your ideas. But it is selfish to believe that only your thoughts exist and those of others around you do not matter. While it is important to listen to your own heart and gut feeling, it is equally important to also consider the thoughts and opinions of those around you, especially if your ideas directly impact them. And even if they don’t, respecting everyone’s ideas is a must – after all, every human being is entitled to their own opinion and judging them for the same is not right.

  • Traditions are not rules but guidelines. Make your rules as you go with the help of these guidelines; it’s your life, take charge of it and take it in any direction you want. There are no limits to what one can do in life, only inhibitions. And while traditions might keep you in check when needed, they could also keep you from living your dream and reaching for the skies. Make your own choices, follow your heart, and know where to draw the line.

  • Respect; even the person you don’t like. At the end of the day the only reason you don’t like him or her is because they are different from you. And to not respect a person only because he or she is unlike you is being judgmental, because no two people are ever alike. Respect is an inherent quality; if you want others to respect you, to have to do the same.

  • It is never too late to start something repair something old. There is no age to learn something fresh, never too late to make changes in your life and no time like today to make a fresh start. What holds us back from trying out something new is our own fear.....fear of failure or setbacks. And when the mind is without fear, everything is possible.

If you have learned all this, and more, you have been coached by some of the greatest teachers. And today is the day you celebrate them, by showing your deep appreciation for everything they have taught you. 
If you have any special and memorable experiences with some teachers you would like the thank for the part they have played in shaping you up to become the person you are Proud to Be, we invite you to share your stories with us this Teacher’s Day.

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